May 27, 2018


There isn't much more to say today....

May 23, 2018

Holy Shit

I can't believe it was over four years ago that I last posted to this blog...

can that be right?

A touchstone

- June 1 Deer Crash?

- Mia about a million things

- Europe and Asia

- Pen Velo

_ I mean really!!

Perhaps I'll ruminate a bit as I go...but mostly I'd rather go.

The remnants of a scotch and soda sat next to him on the counter. His ears rang. High pitched and incessant when noticed, it was currently noticed. Outside the neighbors walked loudly about doing the this and that of their days. Small voices mixed with larger not listening or hearing. It would be easy to say spewing...spewing sets a tone, points in a direction, it is not the word to choose.  A frustration enters....why must humans, Americans? They make such bad choices in such easy to choose situations. Damn, I almost did it....almost. This is hard, not being reactionary to what the mind first posits. I like this link, this list...I hope to revisit soon...but in all honesty I forget more than I remember it seems. Why I got up, what I was going to get, little stuff...but the age; to feel the age is interesting and scary and not a thrill and interesting. What to do, can be done, sounds good to do, choice to make. Which way to turn. Can I sit in and - finish that project. It's right there and you don't need all that. Set a tone - do a novel thing and drive it forward. It could be will be fun, for sure!

like I said...I hope to come back soon